Surgical Procedure
Medical Application Procedures and Supporting Evidence

Closure of a J-shaped mini-sternotomy at 4th intercostal space. Surgery made in Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (Spain).
Sternal closure with STERN FIX during a cardiothoracic procedure.
STERN FIX is a sternal stabilization system made of CARBON FIBER that provides continuous compression and adaptability to the chest movements.
Interview with Dr. Álvaro Gómez de la Riva, neurosurgeon of La Paz Hospital (Madrid, Spain), about his experience using Cranial LOOP cranial fixation system and its benefits in the daily clinical use.
Cranial LOOP XL combination provides fixation and optimal cosmetic results.
Craniotomy closure with Cranial LOOP XL and Cranial LOOP L
Cranial LOOP cranial fixation devices are a smart system made of PEEK-OPTIMA™, a biocompatible polymer, for securely fixing bone flaps resulting from craniotomies.
Cranial LOOP behavior at impact test in craniotomy. PEEK-OPTIMA™’s inherent elasticity and high tenacity provides to Cranial LOOP shock absorbing properties ensuring a secure behavior, even in case of accidental impact.
Craniotomy closed with three cranial LOOP L devices during a neurosurgical procedure.
Single burr hole covered with the use of Cranial COVER device in a synthetic skull.
Craniotomy closed with three cranial LOOP devices during a neurosurgical procedure.