NEOS Surgery will contribute to the selfless action of this NGO, specialized in neurosurgery and neurosurgeon training, with free units of Cranial LOOP and Cranial LOOP (L)
NEOS Surgery has started collaborating with NED Fundación, a Spanish NGO that brings volunteering neurosurgeons to several African countries. There, they exercise a double mission: they perform surgical procedures that the population (especially children) require and they train new local neurosurgeons, in order to reduce their dependency on foreign specialists.
In 2012, NEOS has included among its objectives to collaborate with NGOs that are commited to helping those that are in need in relation to our field of expertise: neurosurgery. After carefully considering the available options and the requirements of such organizations, NEOS decided that the best way to support these organizations was to supply them with free-of-charge products.
This way, the neurosurgeons acting on behalf of NED will be able from now on to achieve cranial bone flap fixation with our products Cranial LOOP and Cranial LOOP (L). The first products have already been shipped to Africa, in a mission that started on July the 1st, 2012. Both NED and NEOS Surgery are sure that this will only be the first step of a long and fruitful collaboration.
NED stands for Neurocirugía, Educación y Desarrollo (the Spanish for Neurosurgery, Education and Development). This foundation has its headquarters in the Hospital de la Ribera (Alzira – Valencia – Spain). From 2005, they have brought their action to Kenia, Tanzania, Zanzibar and other countries in Africa. You can get to know more about them on their website and their Facebook page.