Research at NEOS is driven by innovation and awareness of unmet clinical needs

This project aims at developing an innovative solution for the surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms with the capacity to avoid artifacts in medical imaging.
Aneurysms are localized dilations in a blood vessel, caused by the weakening of the wall. The risk exists when these dilations burst and cause a hemorrhage. One of the options to treat these dilations is by sealing their neck through an external clip. One of the disadvantages of current metallic clips is that they cause artifacts in medical imaging, thus rendering patient follow-up more difficult.
The Artifact-Free Aneurysm Clip is being developed with the purpose of creating an innovative vascular clip made of PEEK polymer to treat intracranial aneurysms with the unique advantage of avoiding artefacts in patient’s follow-up after brain surgery, which is a significant limitation of current metallic clips.
NEOS has been collaborating in some research stages with other partners and received support of some institutions under the following projects:
The UltraClip project was a collaborative project undertaken by NEOS together with Ultrasion and Eurecat with the support of ACCIÓ.
NEOS was InnoClip‘s leader, in which Spanish and German partners were collaborating. The project obtained funding from the Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) through the Eurostars call of the Eureka! Secretariat.
This project received the JEC World 2016 Innovation Award.